Monday, October 03, 2005

Here goes....

I've been wanting to "blog" for a while, waiting for inspiration I guess. I don't think I've gotten what I've expected - more of a push than a "leading"

I find myself somewhere between an angsty teenager and a thoughtful adult, not that one can't be both, but I have trouble reconciling them in myself.

I feel I have many "deep" things I'd like to explore

the souls of animals (including humans)

ethics as opposed to religious framing of concientious behavior

plain dress, and quaker (and other) "simplicity" overall



being in the world yet not "of it" (is that what I aim for? or to be wholly "of it?" I'm not sure - and perhaps it wraps around like some strange puzzle and is the same thing?)

Oh, and plenty more

On the other hand, I could easily spend much of my time trying to figure out my last relationship and what I expect from life, and what I can offer.

What an odd experiment, to post online thoughts and feelings deeper than might be shared with the people we are closest to in our daily lives.


Liz Opp said...

Welcome to the blogging world... I just mentioned to another Quaker blogger that it sounds like you are bringing your L/light out from under a bushel.... maybe not so much that we'll see your L/light but that you'll be able to take a much closer look at that shrub! smile

Thanks for your recent comment on The Good Raised Up, too...

Liz, The Good Raised Up

ef said...

thanks, Liz!

I'm not sure what you mean about looking at the shrub. And I hope others will see "my" light, though maybe they won't.

Can you say more?

Thanks for all the comments. I feel so "heard" (read)


Liz Opp said...

Earthfreak, you ask me to clarify this part of my comment: it sounds like you are bringing your L/light out from under a bushel.... maybe not so much that we'll see your L/light but that you'll be able to take a much closer look at that shrub!

Specifically, you wanted to know what I meant by the "shrub."

Sometimes when I gain awareness of a situation, or of myself, that new awareness sheds new light on how I perceived the situation. Just like if you pull a light out that was hidden behind plants, you can now use that light to inspect the plants that were otherwise a barrier to letting the light shine.

So: as you shine your l/Light, I (we) will get to see it (yay!); AND perhaps you will have an opportunity to look at what has been getting in the way of your bringing your l/Light out earlier (the bushel/shrub).

Does that help?

Liz, The Good Raised Up

ef said...

Liz - yes!

that makes a lot of sense! Perhaps self-examination is still a bit scary for me, though.
